Tips For a Great Listing

  • First, select a category to list your item under. In this example we are listing a weapon light.
  • Next, add some photos of your item! Typically the better quality photos used, get more views and therefor sell better!
  • After you add some photos, Title your listing with a clear and concise title you can leave out WTS or it’s equivalent.
  • Next you will select a manufacturer, this will aid in filtering and allow you to reach buyers that are looking for your particular item. Note: You may only select 1.
  • The next block is for your point of contact. Although it is not required, we strongly recommend you include a point of contact to help buyers reach you faster.
  • Next you will select the condition of your item. Note: you may only select one.
  • Next you will enter a price.
  • Next you will enter your location in (city, state) format.
  • Finally you will enter a description of your item. Be as specific as possible, it will help your buyers understand the item and aid in your sale. This is the last place where you can add important information like clarity on the condition of your item and if you are considering trades, etc.

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